Capsule Wardrobe Series Part 2: Assessing Your Lifestyle and Wardrobe Needs When I got serious about doing a capsule wardrobe, I ended up donating 75% of my closet. It was hard. I had help. The first purge, my mentor came and…
How to Find Your Personal Style: Capsule Wardrobe Series Part 1
For the next several weeks I will be sharing how to create your own capsule wardrobe by highlighting the steps I used to create my Fall 2015 Capsule. The term capsule wardrobe was coined by Susie Faux in the 70’s. According to…
Fall Wardrobe Review
What I Loved & What I Learned. The premise of a capsule wardrobe is to have a small number of items you love to wear for a set amount of time. This season, I still had my favorites among the favorites. These…